Privacy and Cookie Policies

All personal information is treated as highly confidential. All such information will be securely stored and safeguarded under the terms of the UK Data Protection Act 1998.We will use the information you provide for the following:

  • To contact you
  • To collect and use selected data, with the use of Cookies, to monitor the effectiveness of our website; the information is gathered to help us improve our service
  • To notify you of news, events and offers (provided you have agreed to accept such information

In line with most websites we use Cookies to monitor your use of our website – you will need to enable Cookies to access our website. We will never rent, sell or give your name or contact details to any other organisation. Whilst our methods and procedures are designed to protect and secure all personal information we cannot be held liable for any unauthorised access to the data you provide via our website.

Please be aware that we will provide your information if requested by any legal authority, such as the police or a court of law.


What is a cookie? A cookie is a text file which a website installs on a user’s computer. Each time the user views a page on the website after a cookie has been installed, the website will recognise the user. Cookies can be used to remember a user’s preferences, to keep track of which pages they’ve visited, or in some cases, to store personal information about them. You can disable cookies for this website or for all websites but it might mean that some website functions no longer work for you. You can find instructions on how to change your cookie settings at About Cookies website.

What cookies does this site use?

Analytical cookies- this site uses a service called Google Analytics, which makes use of cookies to generate statistical and other information about how people use the website. The cookies are placed on your machine by Google. We use the information we gather to identify and fix problems on the site as well as to offer more of the types of content that prove to be popular. The information Google Analytics collects is anonymous. It includes information on how you found this site, which pages you looked at whilst you were here and for how long, what time of day your visit was, whether you have visited the site before and what area of the world you are in.

Although other sites you visit may also use Google Analytics, the information we gather is not linked to the information gathered on any other site. Although we have access to this information, it is not us that stores it. The information is stored by Google. Google’s privacy policy is available here: Google privacy policy

How can I stop my information from being collected?

You can prevent Google Analytics from collecting this information by disabling JavaScript in your web browser. The easiest way to find how to do this is to type “Disable JavaScript” along with the name of your browser (e.g. Chrome or Firefox) into a search engine. Again, browsing the web might not be so much fun if you do this. If you’re in the European Union, the Google Analytics tool may store your information outside of the EU. The United States do not have the same laws regarding data protection as those in the European Union. By using our website, you consent to such transfers.

Essential cookies

A cookie which registers whether you are logged in or not.A cookie which allows us to ensure the security of our online forms. It prevents Cross Site Request Forgeries from malicious sites, which use your login details to submit forms on our site.