Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Bedrooms, Meetings and Events

All bookings made by clients at Beechfield House Hotel are accepted by Beechfield House Hotel (hereinafter called “the
Hotel”) upon the following terms and conditions.

All prices quoted are inclusive of VAT. VAT will be charged at the rate prevailing as the event takes place. We reserve the right to increase prices quoted if the rate of VAT is increased. Wine and beverages priced are liable to change at short notice due to increase in duty levied by HMRC.

Minimum numbers attending – Meetings and Events
Please provide provisional numbers at the time of booking. The Hotel reserves the right to agree a minimum number to be
charged for the event at this time. If a client’s booking is accepted by the Hotel on the basis that a minimum number of
guests will be attending the function, the amount payable by the client will be calculated on such numbers or on the
numbers actually attending, whichever is greater.

Final numbers attending – Meetings and Events
The client shall notify the Hotel in writing no less than 48 hours prior to the date on which the function will take place, the
final number of persons who will attend such functions and the client will pay charges for all such persons despite
subsequent drop in attendance or on the numbers actually attending, whichever is greater.

Bookings and payment - Bedrooms
• All bookings for accommodation are provisional until Beechfield House has received written confirmation from the Client
and Beechfield House agrees to accept such confirmed booking. Confirmation must be by online booking or email.
Until such time Beechfield House will have no obligations to the Client.
• A valid credit card is required when making a booking. The Hotel reserves the right to cancel a booking without
obligation if payment details are not provided as requested.
• Current room prices are available from Beechfield House on request.
• Other services or facilities requested by the Client are subject to the agreement of Beechfield House.
• Payment of the balance owing on departure is required.
• Where allowed, the Hotel credit terms are 14 days from the date of the invoice. An interest charge will be made on all
outstanding balances after the due date calculated at 5% above base rate of HSBC Bank.

Booking and payment – Meetings and Events
• A valid credit card is required when booking your event. The Hotel reserves the right to cancel an event without
obligation if payment details are not provided as requested.
• New clients may be required to pay 14 days prior to the event by Pro-forma invoice for all charges including room hire,
food and all pre-ordered beverage. A further invoice for any additional food and beverage will be sent after the
• Where allowed, the Hotel credit terms are 14 days from the date of the invoice. An interest charge will be made on all
outstanding balances after the due date calculated at 2% above base rate of HSBC Bank.
• Provisional bookings will be held for 2 days unless otherwise agreed by the Hotel, after which time the Hotel reserves the
right to release the booking without prior notice.
• Details of all equipment required must be advised at least 48 hours prior to the event.
Cancellation by the Hotel
The Hotel reserves the right to cancel any booking forthwith and without obligation to the client in the event of the following circumstances:
• If the Hotel or any part of it is closed due to damage or destruction caused by fire or other cause beyond the control of the Hotel which shall prevent if from performing its obligations in connection with the booking.
• If the client is more than 28 days in arrears with any payment due under this contract.
• If the Hotel in its sole discretion believes the event or the client might prejudice the reputation of the Hotel.

Cancellation by the Client - Bedrooms
Cancellation must be made online or given in writing by email or letter sent by recorded delivery.
Different cancellation policies apply to different rates and bookings are accepted on the applicable terms at the time of booking only.

We strongly recommend guests have a suitable travel insurance policy in place before booking as no alterations to our terms will be permitted.

Non-flexible rates: Full prepayment at time of booking. This is a pre-paid rate. Full Payment will be taken at the time of booking and there are no refunds or transfers allowed.

Flexible rates: You can cancel or change your booking up to 12pm, 2 days prior to arrival. All reservations must be guaranteed with a valid credit card. Full payment will be taken 48 hours prior to midday of the date of arrival. No refunds or transfer are allowed on Flexible rates after 12pm, days prior to arrival.

Where there is a no show or a booking is cancelled by the client, the client shall pay to the Hotel the following:

For larger or group bookings or bookings – please refer to our terms and conditions for group bookings.

Cancellation by the Client - Meetings, Functions and Events

All deposits paid are non-refundable and non transferable.
Where booking is cancelled by the client, the client shall pay to the Hotel the following percentages of the estimated event cost:
• If cancellation occurs less than 7 working days before the event, 100% of the cost.
• If cancellation occurs less than 2 weeks before the event, 50% of the cost.
• There will be no charge other than the retention of any deposit paid if cancellation occurs more than 1 week before
the event.

Client use of the Hotel
The Hotel can accept no responsibility for the property of the guests and clients of the Hotel and reserves the right to ask the client or his guests to leave if they act in an unreasonable manner.
• The client and his guests attending the event shall:
• Not carry any electrical or other works including amplification and lighting at The Hotel nor introduce hazardous or dangerous items, without the Hotel’s prior consent.
• Bring no wines, spirits or food into the Hotel for consumption on the premises without prior agreement. Corkage charges are available on request.
• The client shall be responsible for any damage caused to the Hotel’s property by the client or his guests and shall pay the Hotel on demand the amount to make good or remedy any such damage.
• Vacate all bedrooms by 11.00am on the day of departure.
• Comply with the licensing laws and other regulations relating to the Hotel.
Unless otherwise stated, the meeting rooms will be available from 8.30am for a day hire and from 6.00pm for an evening booking. An additional room hire charge will be made if you exceed these times.

Lost keys are charged at £50.00 per room key to cover the costs involved in replacing the key and key fob.
All rooms are non-smoking. Any guests found to have contravened this rule will be charged an additional night’s full cost to cover the cost of cleaning and the need to keep the room clear the night after departure.
Any items found to have been removed will be charged at replacement cost plus 20% to cover the administration costs.

Car charging
We offer the facility to charge cars in our car park to our paying guests. Charging charges are available from reception.

Service charge
A 10% discretionary service charge is added for all food and beverage items. This may be removed on request.

Travel Agency Commission
Only when agreed in writing at booking stage may our rates be commissionable and always limited to the bed and
breakfast rate only. Food and beverage charges are non-commissionable.

By viewing or receiving these Terms and Conditions we assume you accept them unless we are notified within 48hours of viewing/receipt.


Group Terms and Conditions

Please note that The Hotel reserves the right to review and amend these terms from time to time. These terms should be read in conjunction with the general terms and conditions that apply to all bedroom, meeting and events and are also available on our website.

1. Description of Services Provided
The Hotel agrees to provide The Client with group lodgings which will consist of Bedroom, Bathroom and Dining facilities
A group reservation is defined by The Hotel as any reservation that consists of 5 or more room nights over any given date
range; and The Hotel reserves the right to enforce this agreement in the event in the event of direct booking via hotel website or third party channel.

2. Reservation Process & Policy

2.1- Group Reservation process
The Client must provide The Hotel with a rooming list no later than 48 hours prior to arrival. The Hotel will enter the final
rooming list received into the Property Management System. Any amendments made to the booking must be made by The Client in writing to The Hotel in all circumstances. The Client accepts they are liable for any charges that may be incurred as a result of non-arrival or cancellations.

2.2- Non-Arrival
All non-arrivals will be charged by The Hotel to The Client. Non-arrival charges on Allocation bookings will be charged to the
credit card provided as per our standard Terms & Conditions.

3. Cancellation Policy
Group Cancellation Policy
Booking may be amended or cancelled without penalty no later than 28 days prior to arrival.
If The Client reduces the number of room nights required or cancels the booking or is a no-show/non-arrival after the 28 day
deadline has passed, 100% of the charges contracted will be applied to the final bill. The Hotel will attempt to resell any rooms that are cancelled within the 28 day cancellation period. Any room that can be resold will not be charged to The Client

4. Payment and Invoicing
Payment must be agreed in all cases by The Client and The Hotel prior to any guest’s arrival. The Hotel provides the following payment methods to all guests.

Credit/Debit Card
If the Client wishes to pay by credit or debit card the Hotel will authorise the provided details prior to the group’s arrival. In the event of declined authorisation, The Client must provide an alternate payment method prior to arrival.

Pro Forma and Pre Payment
If the Client wishes to pay by BACS in advance, The Hotel will provide a final pro forma invoice on booking and The Client
agrees to ensure the funds have cleared in The Hotel’s bank account no more than 28 days prior to arrival.
A credit card will also need to be provided for any additional or incidental charges incurred during the stay and will be debited on departure.

Pay Own Account
If Guests are required to settle individual accounts, The Client agrees to act as guarantor in the event of cancellation or nonarrival. The Hotel will notify The Client of charges prior to posting to the final bill.

If payment has not been received by The Hotel upon a guest’s arrival, The Hotel reserves the right to charge the individual
guests for use of services, or cancel the booking without notice.